Every year, our fifth grade students have the opportunity to serve on safety patrol. Our safety patrol works hard assisting our crossing guards, helping students get settled in the morning, and supporting our younger students at dismissal.
This year, these students are also helping us recognize students who are being kind to one another. Occasionally, during kindergarten and first grade recess, our safety patrol joins the students outside, and when they see an act of kindness they give the student an Eagle Feather. These Eagle Feathers are later entered into a raffle for in-school prizes such as special art projects with Ms. Fritsche, extra library time with Mrs. McGinnis, and more!
One first grade student said, “She loves seeing big kid friends at recess!” We are so proud of our safety patrol for seeking out kindness and also proud of our kindergarten and first grade students for earning so many Eagle Feathers at recess for the kindness they show eachother.